Weight Gain Info, Issue #002 --What's New!

Eating Healthy Meals To Put On Weight Fast...

Weight Gain Info will show you exactly how to "put on weight", no matter how skinny you are.

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Best Way To Gain Weight

Issue #2, February 2010

This issue...

The website is progressing nicely and I can see that people are really interested in understanding just how to gain weight. I have also had some people email me asking information about weight loss, so I have started to build pages with that information as well.

As a hard gainer, you will gain weight by following my advice and there will come a time when you will need to lose a couple pounds to show more definition to your newly developed muscles. I am not into creating bodybuilders, so please don't think this is about bodybuilding. It is about gaining weight and looking good, creating a new 20 to 30 pound individual that is as fit as a race horse... ;-) (just felt like adding something to make you smile).

New For This Month, Five New Webpages...

1)Height Weight Chart
Please check out the height weight chart page to see if you're underweight. This will be your measurement stick before you start to pack on the pounds.
Please click here to visit...

2)Healthy Eating
Just eating any type of food won't do. You can gain weight by going to Pizza Hut on a daily basis and eating 4 Pizza's daily, that would become obese in no time flat. What you will learn here is a healthy way to eat.
Please click here to visit...

3)Work Out Routines
It is very important to do some type of exercise. Just eating and gaining weight won't benefit your health is you're fat. Just make some time to plan your work out routine.
Please click here to visit...

4)Weight Loss
As you begin your journey with weight gain, there will come a time in your life when you will feel that you have reached the perfect size, or may even gain too much weight. You will need to know how to lose those extra pounds.
Please click here to visit...

5)Exercise and Fitness
Not all of you will wish to build muscles, especially our female readers. The idea here is to gain weight and stay fit, you have to add some type of exercise and fitness.
Please click here to visit...

I do hope you're enjoying this journey with me, as I look forward to the reviews and comments many of you will soon start posting showing how much weight you have gained.

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